We all start somewhere 

I’m horrible with introductions so let’s get this train wreck started. I’ve watched all the motivational video and marketing tutorials. I’ve seen all the beautifully lit, flat white drinking writers and marketers out on the internet killing it. They’re awesome, they’re inspirational and they don’t resonate with me at all. I’m the writer doing cardio at o’ dark thirty, sweating like a mongoose in a cobra cave, trying convincing my clients to “please give me your logins” while simultaneously watching videos on how to get your content on lock. I’m tired. I’m uncertain. I’ve never been more excited about another job.

I could lie to you. I could say that I knew this is what I’ve always wanted to do with my life and that I have been planning on being a marketer since I was in diapers. That’s not true. I wanted to be a fiction writing, marine biologist; because Harry Potter and dolphins. I didn’t quit my job, sell my house, and move to Croatia to blog about my communist Pomsky named Reginald. I watched tutorials, I did internships, I learned. I took something that I enjoyed and offered it to people who could use those services.

Some entrepreneurs jump head first into their new endeavors. That’s not me and I know that’s not a lot of you either. I didn’t leap into this, I sidestepped. I’m the Reluctant Entrepreneur and this is my story. Join me. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. You may even fart.